Past Projects
Story time chair
I was commissioned to create a roald Dahl story time chair for Newborn Manor Primary School to welcome the children back to school after the pandemic. they now hear their stories told from this chair each day.
Vinyl Record Painting
This was a gift for my Dad, who is Queens biggest fan!
I painted Freddie onto a vinyl lp, which can be easily hung on the wall for display. this sits in his home alongside a Brian may painting, shown on the home page.
beautiful Nala, the English bull terrier.
a portrait comissioned for Nala's dad for his birthday.
painted on reclaimed pine, in acrylic paint, then scorched and varnished to finish
King Malone
malone is a tiny rescue chihuahua. he was found alone in a house by police after his elderly owner had passed away.
he was given a new life, with a prison dog handler, who gives him the life of luxury In his new home and two brand new sisters